While our sneekeefeet covergirl was nothing less than beautiful and picture perfect the evening she was photographed lying on the couch in her shimmering silver dress, wearing her Chucks; getting there for her wasn't as simple as it may appear. It was an arduous and tormented process for her. She had long been a slave to commericial fashion - always needing the very newest, and always wanting the very best.
Earlier that evening she found herself staring at the sneakers she really felt like wearing. But as she started to remove the heels that she had automatically slipped into, the full force of society's conforming pressures came crashing down upon her. Still, from deep within, feelings arose, telling her that she could no longer accept the fashion choices being made for her by some self-annointed fashion guru sitting at a computer terminal in some Manhattan office building.
In conflict, she couldn't finish getting dressed. Ultimately, she broke out the Champagne that she had chilling for later on in the evening. After a while, quiet voices from within began to speak more clearly and, eventually, she broke out the Chucks. Of course, Once she had the Chucks on her feet it suddenly all seemed so easy. 4>

Comfort, a sense of style and a sense of honesty to one's own values is at the heart of the movement to Chuck Taylor Sneakers. Nothing more - nothing less!